
Usage and Attitude (U&A) Study

Usage and Attitude (U&A) study focus on understanding how consumers use a particular product or service and their attitudes towards it. This service enables businesses with comprehensive insights to employ your strategies precisely, addressing specific pain points and enhancing overall satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Usage & Attitude: Investigate how and how often consumers use a product or service.Examine changes in usage over time. Identify factors influencing the decision to use a product or service. Assess how consumers evaluate a brand Perception.Measure the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.Explore customer loyalty to a specific brand.Examine consumers' perception of value relative to the price.
  • Market Understanding: Analyse the product or service in comparison to competitors. Identify market trends impacting consumer behavior. Divide the target market based on demographics, psychographics, or behavior. Pinpoint areas where customers face challenges or dissatisfaction. Collect direct feedback from customer experiences.
  • Strategic Insights: Provide insights and recommendations for refining products or services. Assist in developing marketing and business strategies. Guide the development of targeted Marketing campaigns. Help create strategies for strong and lasting customer connections.
